On Christmas Day, we had planned to go see a movie late in the afternoon. Surprisingly enough, many families had the same idea in mind. We went to two different theaters and what we wanted to see (Marley and Me) was sold out at both. Sooooooooooo, we came up with this grand idea to rent a movie from Blockbuster. Little did we know that our $0.99 movie rental would end up costing us $250.99! What am I rambling about now?
After watching the movie, Dirk decided to go ahead and take the movie back while he had time and while we were thinking about it.
Well, Morgan's boyfriend (Todd) was also over at the time and he had parked his car in our driveway.
A few things before I go any further.....
.....Todd ususally parks his car out on the street in front of our house, except on this particular night
.....Todd's car is jet black
.....It was also a very dark and cold night
.....Dirk gave me his permission to share this
Anyhoo, as Dirk was backing out of our garage to take the movie back.......(drum roll)
He totally ran right into Todd's nice new car! Needless to say, the night got just a tad bit darker.
There was actually more damage done to our car than Todd's. Dirk was in total shock that this had happened. Actually, we were both in shock!
Breaking the news to Todd was difficult. How do you tell the proud owner of a very nice car that you just smacked into it? In fact, when Dirk delivered the news to Todd and Morgan, they both started laughing. They totally did not believe Dirk for about 30 seconds or so. After seeing that we were not laughing, their laughter came to a sudden halt.
After breaking the news to Todd, then Dirk had to call Todd's parents to break the news to them. I felt so sorry for him.
Todd's parents blew it off. They laughed about it. They came right over to look at the damages and starting laughing and joking about it again. Dirk and I still hadn't mustered up any laughter at this point, but we were SO glad that Todd and his parents were able to laugh and joke about it.
I guess since it wasn't going to cost them a penny....why not laugh about it? We couldn't laugh or make jokes about it until the next day. I've asked several times (now joking, of course)...
"How do you have an accident in your driveway, of of all places?"
Renting "The Nativity Story" was the most expensive movie we've ever seen. lol! Not only did it cost us 99 cents, it also cost us the $250.00 (deductible) to repair our cars.
After paying $250.99 to watch this, I will NEVER complain about the cost of a movie again, whether it be renting from Blockbuster or going to the theater.
Oh, and I had my own mishap during the holiday too...I'll post about it another day.
Islak Burgers
5 hours ago
Oh, poor Dirk! What a sickening feeling, but I'm so glad to hear that everyone involved was understanding and mature!
Tell Dirk next time the magic word is "Netflix" -- the mail carrier will return it for him!
That is too funny my friend! Well funny and heartbreaking all at the same time. If that is even possible! Unfortunately it sounds like something I would do! I'm glad his parents took it well.
And I agree with Mod Girl...Netflix is the way to go!
No way! Oh my gracious!! At least you were able to watch a good movie in the end...and I echo what's already been said: Netflix! We love it!!
Oh No! Thankfully, everyone was able to laugh about it...well at least everyone but you and Dirk. Not yet anyway. Hoping you get to see 'Marley and Me" real soon!
I could not believe this! OH MY GOODNESS! When I was first learning to drive I drove into a tree in our driveway... Yeah, not so cool. And, it was broad daylight : ) (Not slight daylight-BROAD : ) ) What does that mean anyway? Broad daylight?
Oops! Sorry to hear about the mishap but glad everyone was okay. :)
Have a wonderful and blessed New Year! ;)
Bless your hearts, glad you were able to laugh about it.
Oh, Daphine...what a huge bummer! I'm sure Dirk was all shaken up over it. Almost sounds like the time we drove Brittany and her boyfriend home one night. Chris backed out of their driveway and ran right over their mailbox! He knocked it clean over! I have never been so embarrassed, but it happens! Thankfully, Todd's parents handled the news very well. I'm just so sorry, but keep in mind that it could always be worse!
Hope your New Year is much better! I can't wait to hear about the mishap that happened to you!
Aye yai yai!!! That's crazy! At least nobody got hurt and the damage wasn't too bad, right?
Can't wait to hear your story!!
Definitely a Christmas you won't forget, hehe :)
Oh my goodness! That would be so hard to tell someone. I'm glad you're able to laugh at it now. Hey, I once ran into my boyfriend's sister's house as I was backing out of her yard (no driveway involved). Haha!!
I thoroughly enjoyed your Christmas pictures too! For someone who doesn't like dogs, you sure know how to spoil your little Gucci. LOL! It's the only way to treat your dog. :) I came by the other night but didn't have time to leave a comment. How RUDE!! :D
Rich blessings to you as you bring in the New Year.
Oh my Daphine, I can totally see how that can happen! When all my kids are home now, we have a mosaic of cars on our driveway always in different places. This has not happened to us yet, but in the back of my mind, I can't help but think that it's going to happen some day....I hope Dirk is able just to let go of it and not aggravate himself about the "what ifs."
Oh No !!! LOL, this is too funny.
No fun!!! Hope your New year is brighter when "cars" and "videos" are involved!
-sandy toes
Oh no! And yes, I laughed.. and even shared it with my hubby.. At least everyone is okay. :)
I am not laughing, because I backed right into my mother's car in my drive way while she was sitting in it. Oh man was my heart a mess after that. Ugh. I feel your pain Dirk! I hope the movie was a good one though:)
Oh man..I feel your pain! My husband backed into my sister in laws new car when parked in our driveway! It's one of those things where you're so used to just doing!
I'm glad that they took it lightly. I'm sure they knew how bad you guys felt!! They sound like nice people!!
Oh, sorry...I had to laugh! It reminded me of the time our family had gone to visit our parents in our new car. My dad backed into it...in broad daylight! haha
Poor Dirk...hope he can laugh about it soon!
I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you! I am sure in years to come you will remember this story and get a chuckle or two. Of course, that's after you've gotten over having to pay $250. That part stinks!
I guess things like that make life interesting, to say the least!
I'm glad no one was hurt!! :)
That sounds like something I would have done! Except my deductible would have been $1000!!
Whoa, expensive movie for sure! We use Netflix too. We let the mail handle the movies. My daughter backed into a pipe thingy at my parents and it burst. There we were with a geyser bursting and having trouble trying to figure out who to call to get it fixed. Turns out it was about to burst anyway because the cap was on only like the top thread or so instead of screwed on tightly. But she was so embarrased and felt really bad about it. Looking back we should have driven the cars back and forth under the geyser and gotten them washed. The cars needed it too. Oh well. That was years ago now.
LOL! I'm sure that Morgan's boyfriend won't be parking in the driveway for a very long time! ;o)
oh, and we love Netflix as well!
I am so glad that no one was hurt and that his parents took it well. I know Dirk probably feels horrible. Poor guy!
When we moved into our house I was not use to the garage and turned the wheel too quick and dented and scrapped the driver's side fender. Unfortunately our deductible is more than I was willing to pay. At the time the car was only 7 months old. I was crushed. I never got it fixed. Luckily we lease our cars so I am not much worried about it. They can fix it when I turn it in. ;o)
Happy New Year's Eve!!
Oh you poor poor dears! I know it's tough to laugh about now but honestly, this could have happened to anyone!
My son was washing my new car in the back yard, I said let me move it so you won't hit anything and guess what? I hit the guide line to the power pole! Way to go Mom! It was daylight AND on the driver's side!!! Feel better, like I said it could have happened to anyone *smiles*
poor Dirk! i'm not laughing at you guys. that's horrible. atleast the movie you rented was a GREAT movie! what a way to end the night. i'm glad everything is working out though and no one has any hard feelings. hope you guys have a great new years!
Oh Daphine....
That is just too bad! At least nobody was hurt, right?
About your comment to me about the lake...we live in Central Florida and the weather has been in the 80's!!! The water was a little chilly but it is a spring fed lake and tolerable with spring wet suits on! We actually got a little sun on our faces!
Come on over...anytime...you are welcome if you like the water!
Love ya bunches!! Happy Wednesday!! Hugs to you!
What an amazing post - made me groan and chuckle!!! :)
May God continue to bless you in 2009 as you give him all the glory! x
Your Poor hubby, I feel so bad for him. We have been through the same situation before with two of our hair stylist backing into a one month old fan and they were and still best friends. It put a fist size dent that is still there today. Oh boy, we live and learn.
I'm not laughing at you, but with you! I totally ran into Curtis's truck this summer. Oh... and it was daylight!! He had been working so much and in my mind he had already left for the day... I had both the kids with me and so I never looked back!
Oh no ..... what a disaster! I am so glad nobody was hurt and that you are all still speaking to each other. It's good you could all see the 'funny side' of things!!! I have made a mental note never to buy a black car.
Happy New Year
Yeah, that's one of those things you can laugh about a lot later. GLad everyone is okay though.
Funny but not funny! I'm sure your husband felt really bad. Problem is he'll never live it down with the teenagers.
I've notice that you are very good at story telling. Your stories really come to life over the blog.
Happy New Year to your family.
oh dang!
Oh NO....that had to be a sickening sound crunching into the car. I'm glad his parents didn't freak out over the car. That was definitely an expensive movie. I do hope the New Year is better.
Hope you and your family have a great New Year's Eve. I look forward to blogging with you in 2009!
Oh man...sometimes that's just the luck we have.
Happy New Year!
Oh, I'm not laughing! Sounds exactly like something one of us would do! I'm so sorry for poor Dirk! I know it must have felt awful to run into anyone's car, least of all your daughter's boyfriend's new car. It can only go up from here, Daphine, and to that end, I wish you a Happy New Year's Eve!
Sheila :-)
Look on the bright side... at least he didn't completely mess up the other guy's car! That could've been a horrible mess.
Oh! That stinks! I did have to laugh just a little bit.
What a bummer!!! But I love the way you wrote in this post. VERY entertaining!!
Oh no!! Nativity was a good movie too. Darn I hate this sort of thing for you!! Your dog is so cute, we were thinking about a BT for the kids in the future or a Westie. Not sure. Drew has really bad allergies and I don't want a big dog even though I love them. To much work and I live in a neighborhood.
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