Today at work I played a very mean joke on one of my coworkers. I am glad that she could laugh with me about it and not get ticked off. Seriously!
We got a notice from the building management that several cars have been broken into at our parking garage in the last several weeks. The memo reminded us to keep valuable things out of car and to make sure to lock our cars.
Anyhow, I remembered that I carry my camera in the car and thought that maybe I better take a short break and get it out.
On the way back, this crazy thought came into my head of playing a joke on one of my coworkers. I probably shouldn’t have, but I just couldn’t resist.
I’d taken my cell phone with me just in case someone jumped from out of nowhere. Mind you that my cell phone doesn’t even get a signal in our parking garage. So, I’d be plum out of luck!
Anyhow, as I got back inside the building and on our floor, I took my cell phone out of my pocket and called Tonya's direct line.
Whispering Me: “Tonya, pleeeeeeeeeassssssssssse help me!”
Loud Tonya: “Huh?”
Whispering Me: “Please call management and get someone down here.”
Loud Tonya: “Huh?”
Whispering Me: “I’ve been knocked out and I need help.”
Loud Paniced Tonya: “Okay, Okay, Okay….Okay, Okay….I’m calling someone now.”
Loud Me: Laughing hysterically as I open the office door and walk in.
Tonya: “Girl, I didn’t know what to do!”
I was going to carry on for a minute more, but thought I’d better end it right then.
Okay, Okay….I know. I’m a meanie!!!!
It was hilarious, though! I enjoyed the laugh and I think she did too!
However, she might not be apt to believe me if I ever called in again for someone to help me, huh?
Now on a serious note, it's pretty scary when we have people coming into a parking garage during business hours and breaking into cars. Unfortunately, I believe that we're going to have more and more things like this happen with so many people being in desperate straights.
I hope that you all are having a great week so far!!!
Islak Burgers
5 hours ago
Oh my gosh!!!
LOL..that is something I would do too!! LOL
You are such a stinker! I can't believe you did that to your poor unsuspecting co-worker! Don't you feel horrible? Oh, I'm only kidding...I would have totally done the same me! You are too good with practical jokes! The bad part is that now you're going to have to watch over your shoulder because you just might be next!
Enjoy the rest of the week...even if you ARE a stinker!
Yeah, that was mean! LOL, but it was a good one.
Sorry about the craziness at work w/ the parking & break ins. Here, they are telling us not to leave stuff in our cars, even @ church. People are going around breaking in cars in the church parking lots. How sad.
Daphine, I didn't know you were such a practical joker girl! This was a good one. Have a blessed week my friend.
Girl, you crack me up. Stay safe sweetie.
that was just wrong, lol! she better get you back!
You are VERY VERY Bad...
but funny~
sandy toe
That is too much. Thank God she got a laugh out of it too.
You are definitely lucky she got a laugh out of it. You silly girl. Just remember the story about the boy who cried "wolf." But on a sad note it is true we have to watch what we leave in our cars. That is so frustrating to be constantly worrying about our cars getting broken into. It has happened a few times where I work too. Fortunately not my car.
Now that is funny! I'm so glad your coworker was able to laugh with you. And yes, you are right....desperate people are starting to take desperate measures.
Very funny thing that you did to your friend : ). I love friends like that. That is one of my favorite things about working in an office : ). You get so close with the people that you are with all day. One of my best friends, David, was in the first office I ever worked in : ).
Scary about the break ins! My car has been broken into a few times in the city!
Oh that's just mean!
Hilarious, but mean!
Oh my goodness....just be careful! I'm glad she was able to laugh with you! Have a great week Daphine!
You go girl! I would never have been able to pull that off. I am a lousy when it comes to jokes...LOL!
You are too funny for even thinking that up! I love stuff like that. :o)
Haha! You are a funny girl. One of the kids at church got her truck broken into in the High School Parking Lot. It's all out in the open and on a major street. People these days!
That's terrible. You should be ashamed of yourself. Glad your friend took it well :o) Be safe my friend...and don't forget about the boy who cried wolf!
The girl who cried wolf! :) You crack me up.
You might be right about break ins and robberies. Let's hope things are getting better now or soon.
I don't think I could have pulled something like that off you practical joker!
She might be planning to trick you now... so watch out!
Girl, you are BAD! Well, naughty. LOL!
Stay safe. We love you around here and want you to be safe...
Sheila :-)
Girlfriend....have you ever heard of the boy who cried wolf!??! You better be careful :)
You are a gal after my own heart! If we lived closer to each other we'd get into SERIOUS trouble together! LOL You are a HOOT!
Stay safe!
Hehehe you are sooooo BAD!!!! That is funny though!
I too think with the economy the way it is that more and more robberies are definitely going to happen....sadly people get desperate.
OOO Daphine I'm going to tell on you (smile). What a stinker you are!
You are right that it's pretty scary about car break ins!
Oh my goodness you little prankster! LOL. Good thing Tonya didn't knock you out when you walked in. :)
Have a great weekend!!
This is amazing!! Keep up the great posts…..
That IS FUNNY! And, it sounds exactly like something I would have done. :)
Be careful - maybe some Pepper Spray on your keychain would be a good idea. You can buy it at most Automotive stores (O'Reilly, etc)
You are wicked! That poor lady was probably about to have a heart attack!
Girl... you are a mess. Ever heard of the boy who cried "Wolf!"
Did ya'll move office locations?
That was pretty funny....sounds like the jokes we used to play on each other when we were younger. Do you remember when (before Paul and I had children) you saw a picture of my nephew in my wallet and I pretended he was my son?
Shame on you!!! ;o) That is so something I would have been tempted to do as well!
But, girl! You ever heard of the little boy who cried wolf? Let's just hope you have someone other than Tonya to call if something really did happen, cause she might think you're just pullin' her leg again!
But, that said, I probably still would have done it as well! I love to play a good, heart-pounding joke on someone! LOL!
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