A while back, Morgan came home from school and informed us that her Humanities class was taking a trip. She was just as thrilled as she could be! Guess where this class plans on journeying to?!?!?!?!?! They are going to Europe with stops in Paris and Rome! Now, let me just say right away, Dirk and I were not overjoyed with this news at all! In fact, I was a bit upset that the school would even consider talking about a trip to anywhere like this with the economy the way it is.
Anyhow, we let Morgan know real quick that she had our blessings to go on this trip, BUT....she would have to raise every penny of the money in order to go. That way we would see if she was really committed to going. And friends, we're not talking a few hundred dollars, either. We're talking over four THOUSAND dollars to go on this trip!
The parent information meeting was quite humorous. Don't worry! I would never embarrass my child by venting my frustrations about this trip in front of a group. Some parents, though, didn't seem to mind. To be truthful, it was nice to know that I was not the only parent who was upset that the timing is all wrong for such a trip.
The teacher assured all the parents that there would be lots of fundraisers in order to help the students raise their money. In fact, they needed a volunteer who would be in charge of the fundraiser. Guess who was nominated???? Yep, poor ole me!~ lol!
Since I've been nominated as the fundraiser mom, I have to do it right, right???
Sooooooooooooooooooooo, I had this grand idea that we should have our first fundraiser before school ended in order to encourage the students (and the parents as well). So, I sent out a blast e-mail to all the parents and students, letting them know that our first fundraiser would be a garage sale. Many students were excited and wanted to participate. Others were saying that their parents didn't think that they would make much money at a garage sale. Regardless of how many students were participating, we were definitely having a garage sale!!!!
So, on May 29th & May 30th, WE HAD A GARAGE SALE!!! Morgan and one other student participated.
One thing that Dirk and I did agree to do was to donate things to Morgan's garage sale and she was allowed to keep all the money towards her trip.
Ready for this?
Morgan raked in $1300 towards her trip! The other student made $500!
Friends, talk about inspiration!!!!! The other students (who did not participate) were asking Morgan if I'd be willing to let them have another garage sale in the fall! lol!
Until school starts back up, we're only able to do individual fundraisers over the summer. I've already gotten Morgan started on her second one. I'll let you know how it goes!
Several of you have asked how Morgan's job is going. It is going very well. Her manager has promised her more hours this summer. Yippy! Since Morgan clearly understands that she will have to pay for her trip, she's saving even more money from each paycheck!
I know......we're such mean parents. lol!
I hope that everyone is having a great week so far!
Chilly days, good days
1 week ago
I'm so excited for her! THAT is my dream vacation - in fact I was searching "Rome" on the internet earlier today!! :)
I KNOW she'll make it to her goal!!
Wow!!! She did really good!! What did she sell? LOL!!!
How fun and exciting to go on that trip!!!!!!!
Yay Morgan! Great job!!! Please tell me what she sold, because the most I've ever made was about $75!!!! lol
That is terrific! I hope she meets her goal and gets to go on the trip. My parents sent me to Europe for my high school graduation. I had to save for the spending money. It really teaches you a lot when it isn't all handed to you.
Hi Daphine
The older kids at Jessica's school get to go to Australia and that costs a fortune too. I really don't know why they have to take them so far. Jessica considered going on a school Spain trip this year but they go all the way by coach and I think 40 continuous hours on a coach is ridiculous and so does she.
I am sure Morgan will have a great time. Paris is lovely but I have never been to Rome. It will be an amazing experience for her and she will remember it for the rest of her life. Sounds like the Garage Sale was a huge success. Good luck with being The Fundraiser Mom! I think the Fundraiser Mom should get to go on the trip too and go for free. What do you think?
You? Mean? Hardly. This will be for your daughter what buying my first car was for me. I LOVED that car because it was the first purchase I ever made without Mom and Dad's help!
You and your husband are doing a FINE job building her character this way. Bravo!
Good Morning Miz Daphine,
Wow, that's a lot of money to raise in a yard sale, way to go! I'm sure Morgan will have saved all she needs by the end of the summer. She's off to a great start and you're teaching her a very valuable life lesson.
Hey girl!
Thank you so much for your prayers about what happened in our church...I'm still in shock about it!
A trip to Europe! Can I tag along? Great job for Morgan to raise that much money! I have no doubt that she'll raise every dime of what's required...she's a go-getter! You must be so proud of her, Daphine! Who better than YOU to head up the fundraising efforts? No more qualified candidate in my book! Lots of luck, my friend...you'll do GREAT!
That is amazing-the trip and the money made at the sale.....I've never made more than $100.lol.
No way...you're not being mean at all! You are teaching your daughter responsibility AND money management. Two very important things to learn before leaving home for college!
When is this trip planned? That's a lot of money to raise!
I'm glad Morgan's job is going well. Billy is enjoying his. Bo starts his job on Monday. :-)
Wow! What a great garage sale. You are a great mom. Morgan is going to truly appreciate that trip more than anyone else since she had to work so hard for it.
Oh, Daphine that is awesome!!! I wish I could make $1,000 + at a yard sale!!! LOL. I hope Morgan gets all the funding she needs for her trip! What a blast.
No, you are such good parents! You have taught your children to work and understand the value of money. Those important life skills. :)
I am so proud of her for doing all of this. You are super mom!
Sounds like you're doing it right! She'll appreciate this trip so much more if she pays for it. Keep us posted on how her fundraising is going!
wow $1300 from the garage sale? that's awesome! i agree that she needs to raise the money to go on the trip. especially that much money? yikes! that trip is going to be amazing though. what about you? do they need chaperones????
What a fabulous trip she will be taking! I think it is WONDERFUL that she is having to EARN the money herself. It definitely gives a person more motivation than having everything handed to them! GREAT job already on the garage sale.
That is awesome that she is going to raise the money herself. I think it will be a very valuable life lesson for her. That is so cool that she has already raised so much! I think it's wonderful that you and your hubby are allowing her to go. It will be such an experience for her, that she will always remember!
You are such a great Mom, Daphine! I think it's great that she's learning the value of money and hard work. What an awesome garage sale profit! Makes me want to do one. LOL!! I'm glad to hear her job is going well too. Good luck, Morgan, on raising the rest of your money!
I've missed you Daphine! Sounds like you've been super busy though! Yay for Summertime, huh!
WOW...$1300 - I've never made more than about 30 bucks at a garage sale!! YEAH, Morgan!
Wow! We've only ever made a couple hundred dollars at our yard sales!
That trip sounds so exciting!
That is so fantastic! I went to to Europe as a young lady, and she will have a ball.
IMPRESSIVE!! I too am interested in what you sold. We are having a garage sale in July and need to know the scoop! :)
This is awesome! I so stand in support of what you're doing and how you're doing it. This is a great experience for Morgan on many levels.
I'm so glad that she is doing well at work.
I have to confess that I probably would have been one of the more voicetrous parents (smile) but dignified of course (sigh).
Love ya girl. Keep us posted. I will say a prayer for her tonight
WOW! This is going to be exciting and I'm sure all of the hardwork will pay off in the end,
Let me know what kind of fundraisers....since I'm close--would love to participate :)
Hoping the rain is gone for a while...(sigh)
That is awesome.
Wow! $1300! That's exciting! What a great trip! She will have the time of her life. And I think you are being a great mom by making her raise the money herself. That's a great way to learn responsibility. Good for you mama!
That's great. Garage sales can really bring things in. I know that she will enjoy that trip forever. I missed out on a trip in my high school year ('cause no one else had French 3) and I still regret it...so I'm glad she's going. Great going...she's almost there.
Wow, what a great idea, and I'm proud of you and your daughter for sticking with your idea, even if it was just a few of you!
Hmmm,sounds like a story in the bible, Gideon's army!
Thanks for sharing this story with us.
Praying for more great ideas!
PS Trip sounds exciting!!
How exciting! I went to Europe when I was a sophomore with a school group. It was an experience of a lifetime.
I love this Daphine. I can't believe she has this wonderful opportunity. I went to Puerto Rico on my Senior class trip. It was part fun and part missions trip. I am so glad we went because it was a wonderful life experience!
I would like to send her a little bit for her trip!
Wow, $1300! What kind of great stuff did Morgan sell?
Daphine, I love your parenting style... you and Dirk are teaching your children the value of work. Sadly, many kids today are given everything on a silver platter, they miss out on so many important lessons because of that.
I don't think that's being mean at all. I think you're quite giving for allowing her even to go. I just sent my 20 year old to Bolivia on a mission trip, and it was a hard letting go.
Prayers and peace all around for all of you as you plan and prepare for this next big step.
That is one heck of a garage sale!!! Good for you guys!! WOW, 4 thousand dollars to be raised, that is huge! But how smart to have Morgan raise the money... and you are off to a GREAT start!
That's cool!! It looks like Morgan is off to a great start. I pray that she'll make even more on her next fundraising event.
I pray that nothing by any means will hinder her from going on this trip. I pray that God's Will would be done. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Blessings to you!!
I remembered when our choir went to London and I had to raise the money all by myself as well. It was a good trip, but a lot of work went into it. SO, I wish Morgan well.
How exciting Daphine!
Hope your summer is going well. ~Melissa :)
How exciting!! I can understand your initial reaction to the trip though. The good thing is, Morgan is showing you guys that she wants to go & willing to work for it (that's hard to say about most kids!).
Please keep us updated!!!
Have a blessed day!!
Hi Daphine--I have missed you and really enjoyed catching up on your last few blog posts. I have to say that Morgan's prom pictures are just fabulous--she and Todd look like they stepped out of the pages of a magazine. I hope it was a wonderful evening for them!
Congrats to making it to another summer vacation--I know it will be so nice for all of you to be in the more laid-back summer routine. I hope Morgan gets all the extra job hours she needs.
I can't believe Jai is 8 years old either--what a sweet girl she is--that was quite a birthday dessert,no wonder she couldn't finish it!
What an incredible trip to Europe Morgan is going to have. You are so good to step up as the organizer for fund raisers. I think it's a great idea--practical and realistic for Morgan to have to earn money, have fundraisers, and save for this big trip. She will appreciate it all the more!
Hope your summer is off to a terrific start girl!
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