he's just doing his part around here, too.
Dirk was sharing with me a funny conversation that he had with a friend of his.
Somehow they got on the subject about their morning routine. Sounds weird, two men actually discussing their morning routine, huh? We all know that it's not normal for men to share details, especially with each other. lol!
Anyhow, they were talking and Dirk was saying how Gucci (our puppy) had the family's routine down each morning. Dirk casually mentioned that he'll let Gucci out to do his business, then he'll feed Gucci, then he'll make lunches for everyone and then he'll go make the bed.....
He didn't get much further before the friend interrupted him and shouted...."You do WHAT?" lol! "You make the lunches?!?!!" "You make the bed?!?!" lol! As Dirk was telling me about this, we were both laughing hysterically. The friend went on to say, "Man, you are whipped!"
Dirk said he started to tell him that he didn't know the half of what he assists with around the house, but thought again that it would only confuse the poor friend more.
I really did think this was hilarious! Again, what are the chances that men would actually share such details with each other?
I asked Dirk if he thought this friend ran right home and shared this conversation with his wife. Probably not, huh?
Dirk and I really didn't see it as a BIG deal that he's the one to make lunches and make the bed at our house.
Hey, I have my own routine of things to-d0 in the mornings. I.....I.....I.....I....I wake up the girls. I check the weather on Yahoo to see what the temperature is going to be. I pick out Jae's clothes. I pick out my outfit (which takes some time). I.....I....I have to comb Jae's hair. Oh dear! It sounds like I am trying to justify why my husband is the one to make lunches and make the bed for all these years. Well, we both work outside the home. And it's just part of his responsibility too. Okay......I'm starting to trip out.
In any case, I am sure that we all have something "different" that our spouse helps out with that no other man (other than yours) would do, right?
My hubby is just a sweet and precious kind of guy! He always has been. I think he learned not only a lot from having a wonderful mother who raised him, but he watched a lot of "I Love Lucy" when he was growing up too. He likes to say he learned from Ricky's mistakes.
In any case, (I know I use this phrase a lot) I am so thankful for Dirk and appreciate the fact that he is an abnormal man (in a good way).
I think I will call the wife of this friend of Dirk's and ask her what does he help her with that other men would find abnormal or different. Hmmmmmm.....on the other hand, maybe not!
Islak Burgers
4 hours ago
Haha...this is great! I have a wonderful hubby who helps a lot around the house. I guess the thing he helps with that most men would find unusual would be....LAUNDRY! Yup, he's gotten pretty good with it! I still don't trust him with laundering MY clothes, but he does just fine with the rest. He's not whipped, either! I'm very blessed to have him for my hubby. :o)
P.S. You've got yourself a great hubby, too....goooo, Dirk!
This would go under the category of My Husband Rocks! Link this baby up on Friday, because Dirk is the bestest! Does he do hospital corners? LOl
LOL! I always laugh when Curt tells me about conversations he has at work. He's not a real talkative guy, and not the kind to go into detail with other guys, but sometimes the other guy will start something, and the conversations are hilarious!
That's great that Dirk helps out so much at home.
Curt helps me make dinner every night, baths Kendra for me (he's been doing that since I was pregnant with Kingston and the dr told me to not do it anymore) and very regularly makes his own lunch for work the next day.
I really think that a man should pull his weight around the house a bit. I mean, for goodness sake, they live there too, why should the woman do it all? And they are most certainly not whipped just because they love their wives and want to help out.
Girl, you and I are blessed with some awesomely unusual men!! My Darlin' Person wakes up every day without an alarm clock, and many days (although I do take care of things when he goes to work early)feeds the dogs (2 of them) and the fish, lets the dogs out, gets the girls up, takes them to get breakfast, and drives them to school...all before going to work...and I don't work outside the home...sometimes I even stay in bed!!! And he is the best ironer that I have ever seen!
There are a few things he won't do, like laundry or loading the dishwasher...he'd rather wash them by hand than load them! But he spoils me like crazy...and I let him!! I try to spoil him too but I have to admit that he is much better at it than I am!
Enjoy your hubby and count your blessings! And I will, too!
I wish I had a sweet guy like that! Instead of just have whiney ex boyfriends!
What a nice guy! My Hubby helps around the house. He does the dishes most nights! He makes the bed if I don't. He works on his own laundry and does mine and towels at times.
Anywho...YES, we got snow...sigh. Next week is spring break and snow is in the forecast. (bigger sigh) I just might drive to Arkansas!
My friend, we were both blessed with awesome husbands.
Dirk is just awesome!
I have a wonderful husband too. He'll do anything even the dirty work (clean up after kitties). He's even a great decorater and loves to shop. I pick on him sometimes about being a girl in a former life.
Great post Daphine. You have a wonderful hubby. I have too. Len can and will do most everything around the house and he's a great cook too! Count your blessings, that's what I do!
Good Morning Miz Daphine! You're too funny girl! I love your post today. My husband is a great guy too just like your Dirk. Our home caring chores are more divided down the line of indoor vs outdoor. I tend to take care of the indoor stuff and he does the outdoor stuff but he's always willing to give me a hand when I need it. So that makes us a great team. Just like you guys! Have a wonderfully blessed week!
Dirk sounds like a peach! The other guy sounds like a jerk! ;-) Dirk gets BIG points for doing what he does. Mr. Magpie does, too, for putting up with me! He will go to the grocery store where he sees other "good" husbands! :-) And he has been known to buy pantyhose when I'm in desperation mode trying to get ready for something and can't find any without a run!
Sheila :-)
Oh sweet friend,
Dirk is a man who loves his wife and knows that the greatest way to have a happy home is to show love...not just say it. I, too, have a hubby who exhibits love by helping me in areas of help around the home (and I don't work outside of it).
What a blessing...a man who walks with God and is not afraid to show it...or tell someone else about it! Yay for Dirk!
Big hugs to you guys, Daphine!
You are one lucky girl!!
Although I love my husband more than life itself, he's not very helpful around here. Never has been never will be. :) That's ok.
That hubby of yours is a KEEPER, Daphine! Yes, you can tell him I said so, but don't let it go to his head! LOL!
Chris is very good about helping me out. He makes the bed when he's home and not on the road. He helps me clean off the table after dinner. Making lunches for the girls...OK, we're not quite there yet! I appreciate any and everything he does to make my life just a little easier!
Hope you have a terrific and blessed day!♥
Awww! I like Dirk. Ya'll are giving my future husband a lot to live up to! Hope you have a great day!
Dirk does sound like an awesome husband! Kevin doesn't always take the initiative to do things, but he would do anything that I asked him to.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Yes. Dirk is RARE. I have heard about those husbands that do work around the house, but I think that is uncommon. My own dear sweet husband doesn't do any cleaning, or any laundry, or any ANYTHING that is at all girl related : ). He does make our bed though. But not until he comes home from work. Yep. Our bed stays unmade all day. The reason he makes it is because I can never get all the lumps out of the comforter that we got. He wanted the silly comforter so he has to make it because it drives me CRAZY! Do you think I am the worst person in the world because my bed is unmade all day long?
I love this! What a great guy you have, Daphine! At our house, neither one of us makes the bed. LOL!! My husband isn't much on household chores, but he will do anything I ask him to and I will say that he cooks a lot more often than I do. He enjoys cooking and I don't, and he's way better at it than I am. If I could just get him to figure out what the laundry basket is for, I'd have it made! Ha!
Thats funny and wonderful, he is totally joined up with his family and accepts it and seems like he doesn't mind doing this and isn't ashamned to tell a friend who he had to know was going to tease him. Go for you to have a wonderful husband who loves his family so much. He is a good guy. I do a lot of the manly stuff around here, like powerwashing the house and all the mowing and such, My husband is full time Army, and we are stationed off base in our own home, he is gone to Washington Dc alot and I HAVE to do alot of his duties if we are to have a home of our own. He isn't here most of ther time to do it. I take care of his cows while he is away also. It just works for us.
I think you all are a very admirable family and a shining example for your girls.
oh that's too funny! yay for Dirk and yay for him not being embarrassed to tell the other guy! Nathan does things too that most men wouldn't do. I am very thankful for him!
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts from my family.
Sounds like you have a great husband Johnny also does alot when he can he work crazy hours but he takes the kids to school everyday and cooks them breakfast so I can sleep in now that is love!
Thanks again for your thoughts!
That's awesome that Dirk does these things and is not ashamed to admit it to another man! So funny what he said about I Love Lucy.
My husband does a lot too. He has dinner ready for me most nights when I get home from work.
Aww, that is so sweet! You've got yourself a keeper, hehe ;)
Girl! You have a great hubby!! That is very rare, I think, for a man to make the bed & make the lunches! What a sweetie, for sure!!!!!
OH..and I am going to email you about my pup and just to catch up with you!!!!
Love & hugs,
How funny! I am sure he would call my husband whipped too. I mean he cooks, clean and wash dishes, so I can tend to Madison. This is really funny, but not uncommon for someone to think that. My husband and I get laughed at all the time when we talk to younger couples about roles in a marriage. But I am mighty thankful for him because if it was any other way, I would be crazy. Great post.
What a wonderful guy! I think that's sweet. When my husband goes out of town, I have to get up extra early because he always makes the coffee for us every morning and takes care of the dog!
It's the simple and little things in life that mean so much! I love this post. :)
You're a lucky girl but I'm sure he's a lucky guy and that's why he doesn't mind helping out. I actually don't even think of it as him "helping" out so much as the two of you got it right by taking the full load off of each other! God Bless!
Ahhh, you have a WONDERFUL hubby!
I think it's GREAT he helps out like that.
My husband is a lot of help to me too.
He's a keeper, just let keep letting him know how much you appreicate him.
I'm sure he enjoys doing this just as much as you!
Blessings Dahpine♥
You are VERY blessed. I am a little jealous.
My hubby helps out around the house a lot too. I appreciate it so much! I have a lot on my plate too and I think he understands that. And he's not whipped either. But he is a really good husband!
How awesome. :) I have a hubby that really pulls his weight around the house. He is great.
Many times guy friends start to complain about the little they do, and scott just shrugs and shares his list.
I work so many nights that I feel lost sometimes when I am home. Scott sweetly tells the kids what to do and I just follow. :) ha!
Many blessings sweet girl!
I love reading about husbands stepping up to the plate and sharing responsibilities aorund the house.
He's definitely not whipped!!
Blessings to you, sweetie!!
First of all.... talking about their routines? Giving details? WOW--- that's amazing in itself!
I think that's great. It's a blessing to have a good hubby, huh??
Yeah, Dirk!! How nice to have a real partner in the every day things! A real blessing :) By the way - it probably would be scary to know all the "manly" things our hubbies talk about over the cubicle wall! :)
Have a wonderful weekend. I agree..he's not whipped..just your helpmate.
It is funny that the guys were talking about that!! Mine is a keeper also. He doesn't necessarily do much in the morning because he is usually out the door before we are up. But, many times when I get home if he hasn't had a busy day he will have cleaned off the bar area (where clutter gathers), load the dishwasher,gotten laundry going, etc. He is a keeper too!!
Hey Girl~
You know how much I adore you! I've loved getting to know you...you've become a faithful friend to me. So, please pop over when you get the chance and claim something I have for you.
Have a great weekend with your family! HUGS!
Hope you're having a great weekend Daphine!
Thanks for the kind words. There is this HUGE & BEAUTIFUL field full & thick of Bluebonnets close to 190/Renner. I'll get the exact cross streets for you if you'd like. It's a very popular place for pictures. If it's not a far drive for you, I would highly recommend it. :)
What a great hubby! I've got one also. We are both blessed.
Whipped? No indeed, just loving and supportive men of God. Aww, refreshing!
Love you dear sister.
Oh Daphine that is so sweet!
It all equals out I'm quite sure. You all are a great couple.
Have a wonderful week.
~Melissa :)
Hey Daphine,
I'm a 'fan' of yours! To see what that means ... stop by when you get a chance!
Big hugs sweet friend!
That's so sweet. You are really blessed Daphine.
Sorry I haven't been around much. Trying to play catch up now. LOL.
Have a great day!
So I stumbled upon you blog and I am amazed at the enormous amount of comments you have!! You are one popular girl. =)
And yes Dirk is a GREAT husband! And John Paul ain't so bad himself. ;)
Hey Dahpine hope your week is going well girl, I'm thinkin'of ya!
Good for your husband! I have no problem with mine doing chores around the house too. Let's face it, these days - everybody has to help pull the load!
Hey girlfriend...hope you are having a great week - leading up to Easter!
My hubby has no fear in helping out around the house. I don't like to cook and he does. If I need the house cleaned in a jiff he steps in to help...he is so much quicker than I am. :)
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