Friday, May 14, 2010

Hello Friends...

WOW! I can't believe it's been two whole months since I posted something. The last post was about Morgan leaving for Europe. Well, she's back home, safe and sound! I wanted to post pictures from the trip to share with you all, but's just too much for me to do right now. The group took over 2000 photos. I had this grand idea that I would be responsible for collecting all the SD cards and making a DVD for each student. That alone nearly did me in. lol! Seriously!! Anyhow, thank you all for praying for her safe travels. Your prayers helped!

School will be ending soon for the summer break. I will have a senior and a 4th grader next year...well, actually later this year!

There are so many people graduating this year that we know...either from high school or from college. We are also hearing some sad stories for the ones graduating from college. Many of them are having a difficult time finding a job in the field they got their degree in. There was this girl at Home Depot the other day helping me in the paint dept. She was sharing with me that she went to college for five years to get a degree in Leadership/Development. She's been searching for a job since last June. She finally took the job at HD in order to have spending money. So sad!

On a brighter note, my work is good! Business has picked up a LOT! Praise the Lord! In fact, we are actually turning customers away now. Imagaine that!!! Just this time last year, we would have given our service away for free just to say that we had gained a new customer. lol!

We don't have a whole lot going on this weekend! Yay!

It's RAINING MAD here in Dallas! Another yay since we planted over 200 bulbs a couple of weeks ago. I haven't done anything in my backyard since we moved here. We've put flowers out in the front, but nothing in the backyard. Since I won't be getting my pool any time soon, I figured it was time to get over it and have some color out back as well. lol!

Thanks for always e-mailing me and checking in on me and my family! You all are truly a blessing!

Sorry that I stay away so long. I'll try not to stay away so long this time!

Have a great weekend!


He & Me + 3 said...

So glad you are back and that you are all doing well. I hope to see pictures from the trip soon...I 'll bet it was amazing.
Glad work is going well too.
It has been raining here for days but today the sun came out. I was thrilled!
Have a wonderful weekend.

Kristin said...

What a treat to get on here and see a post from my sweet friend, Daphine! I've missed you! I'm glad Morgan had a good time in Europe. That is so sad about degrees now.....everyone has one now and so they aren't worth as much, it seems. I'm glad your work is going so well too. It's raining like crazy here in Houston too!

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Daphine
I was so excited to see a post from you. Glad to hear your work is going well and that your bulbs are having a treat with all the rain.
It's the same over here with degrees. It seems the degress that actually qualify you as something are the best. Like when you finish you finish a physiotherapy degree (for example) you can go straight and be a physiotherapist.
I am so glad Morgan enjoyed Europe. It would be great to hear about it sometime if you can find the time.
Missed you.

Lindsay-ann said...

Sorry I fogot to answer your question. We bought the arbour (my reading nook) from a garden centre. We couldn't make something like that. If we did it would probably fall apart! LOL.

Heather said...

hey girl! nice to see you again. i'm headed for florida for the next 2 weeks. i can't check blogs but i can keep in touch through facebook on my phone :)
see you soon!

More Than Words said...

Oh my offered to do WHAT??? LOL! You're so sweet! Gosh, it took me FOREVER AND A DAY just to burn 100 pictures on a disc for a friend!

Anywho...I'm glad I can just check your FB to get updates on ya!! LOL!

Glad that Morgan's trip went well though! Now, you'll be ready for her next one!

Beth E. said...

You are a brave soul, offering to make those DVD's!

Have your daughter pic out ten pics, then she could write a guest post on your blog! That way you wouldn't have to do anything AND we'd get to hear all about her trip! ;-)

I've missed you...glad you're back!


Jennifer said...

Wow---glad you dropped in. Yes, the weather here has been quite strange hasn't it? Yes, it's really sad at the way the economy is right now. Glad to read that your job is doing well. I've been told that my department will resolve in about a year. I'm looking like crazy within but a lot of the positions are out of state. Not sure about that.....will be updating my resume to say the least. Have a great weekend!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Glad to know you're alive and well and things are going well for your family, Daphine. We've missed you!


Sheila :-)

michele said...

I am glad you are busy at work! It is so good to see you posting again! Have a wonderful week my friend!

Tarah said...

Glad you are back! Missed reading about your happenings. :)

Denise said...

Thanks for the update sweetie. Glad Morgan is home, and that all is well. I love you.

Shell in your Pocket said...

I think blogging lately has been hard for many...but it feels good to see you post something.

Have a great week-
sandy toe

April said...

So wonderful to see a post from you! You're a real picker-upper! ;) I, too, have heard stories of recent college graduates having a tough time finding is very sad. So happy to hear that your job is secure and going well...what a blessing, huh? Now that Morgan is about to become a SENIOR...get ready for the most emotional ride of your life! Take good care,'ve been missed!!!

Lorrie said...

Hi Daphine, I'm so glad to see this update from you and to know that things are going well. There are many young people here in NC with college degrees who are working whatever job they can find right now because of the recession. I hate seeing times this hard for so many.

Everyday Mom Designs said...

I'm so glad she's back and safe and sound! That's great! Good to hear about business picking up too! :) Things are going great here too... Crazy rain, huh? I always forget that you're here in Dallas too! Good to hear from you again!

Anonymous said...


It was good to see a post from you! I am glad that Morgan had a great trip! It's very sad about the degrees. It's like that in the medical field too. I asked several respiratory students not long ago where exactly were they going to work. My husband knows a girl that is working as a unit secretary on an ICU floor because she can't find a nuclear med job which is what her degree is in. Now a days it seems everyone is staying put no matter how bad our jobs are. There isn't anywhere for us to go. Hopefully things will get better! I am so glad that your job is going good!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Daphine... good to hear from you at the blog yesterday! Sounds like your life is in full swing, as is mine! With an upcoming senior, it's going to get even busier. I pray you enjoy the summer months ahead with your family and that every day is filled with the grace and love of Jesus.


Unknown said...

You are so sweet to have collected all the cards and made everyone a dvd. I love that! So glad she had fun! Very thankful your work is picking up! YAY Jesus!

~Lisi P. said...

Hey friend! Glad to "see" you :) God is truly good. So happy to hear about your business booming. Blessings!

LisaShaw said...

Precious friend, so glad you're back online again but also I understand that you are living life off's that kind of season.

So glad all is well with you and your family. Praise God for the increase in your customer base to that degree.

I'm praying for all the unemployed and for all who have skills and education that they can't find jobs in. I know many who are struggling as well. My heart is full with the stories and prayers for them.

God is so good in providing no matter what when we trust HIM.

A senior and a 4th grader? Wow!

I have one in her mid twenties on her own with her family and one who will be a senior shortly in h.s. and then she's off to college. I'm not good at the empty nest thoughts so I don't think about it :).

Love you girl!

Lorrie said...

It was great to have a visit from you Daphine, hope all's going well at your house!

Toia said...

I've been away for awhile myself...Time has a way to run away from you...Im glad to hear that Morgan is back safe and sound...Blessings to you and your family!!

Beth E. said...

Missing you!!!!


Chanda said...

Hello, I know it's probably weird to think about people that you don't really know, but I was just thinking about you and wanted to know you are missed in blog land. I understand the business and crazziness of me I understand.

Nicolle said...

Hey there, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I MISS YOU! I am not on FB anymore. I miss reading your blog posts. I loved hearing about your sweet family. I hope you are all doing well!

God Bless,

~Lisi P. said...

Miss your blog posts! Hope that all is well. Blessings :)

LisaShaw said...

Missing you friend. Praying for you and your family this moment.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Dropping by to wish you a very Happy New Year, Daphine. Miss you!


Sheila :-)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Daphine, I hope all is well with you and yours. Just thinking about you, sweetie.


Sheila :-)

Dean said...

Great post, great blog. I read a lot tonight. Nice to spend some time in someone-elses head for a while.

Times are not what they used to be. 11 years ago I landed on these shores. The streets were paved with gold. It's different now. I interview college grads all the time. They're mostly terrible - and it breaks my heart. I always end up coaching them. The good ones come back and get a job - the rest? Who knows?

Anonymous said...

Miss your posts!!!

Anonymous said...

Long time no post!!!

Anonymous said...

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♥ my diary♥ said...

Nice post thanks for sharing...God bless you...

shruti gupta said...

good luck for your better future

shruti gupta said...

have fun
good luck

LisaShaw said...

Popped in as I came across a comment you left me a few years ago on a post I was just re-reading. I pray that you and your family are doing well!! Blessings and love!

Anonymous said...

I pray that all is well.

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