On Christmas Day, we had planned to go see a movie late in the afternoon. Surprisingly enough, many families had the same idea in mind. We went to two different theaters and what we wanted to see (Marley and Me) was sold out at both. Sooooooooooo, we came up with this grand idea to rent a movie from Blockbuster. Little did we know that our $0.99 movie rental would end up costing us $250.99! What am I rambling about now?
After watching the movie, Dirk decided to go ahead and take the movie back while he had time and while we were thinking about it.
Well, Morgan's boyfriend (Todd) was also over at the time and he had parked his car in our driveway.
A few things before I go any further.....
.....Todd ususally parks his car out on the street in front of our house, except on this particular night
.....Todd's car is jet black
.....It was also a very dark and cold night
.....Dirk gave me his permission to share this
Anyhoo, as Dirk was backing out of our garage to take the movie back.......(drum roll)
He totally ran right into Todd's nice new car! Needless to say, the night got just a tad bit darker.
There was actually more damage done to our car than Todd's. Dirk was in total shock that this had happened. Actually, we were both in shock!
Breaking the news to Todd was difficult. How do you tell the proud owner of a very nice car that you just smacked into it? In fact, when Dirk delivered the news to Todd and Morgan, they both started laughing. They totally did not believe Dirk for about 30 seconds or so. After seeing that we were not laughing, their laughter came to a sudden halt.
After breaking the news to Todd, then Dirk had to call Todd's parents to break the news to them. I felt so sorry for him.
Todd's parents blew it off. They laughed about it. They came right over to look at the damages and starting laughing and joking about it again. Dirk and I still hadn't mustered up any laughter at this point, but we were SO glad that Todd and his parents were able to laugh and joke about it.
I guess since it wasn't going to cost them a penny....why not laugh about it? We couldn't laugh or make jokes about it until the next day. I've asked several times (now joking, of course)...
"How do you have an accident in your driveway, of of all places?"
Renting "The Nativity Story" was the most expensive movie we've ever seen. lol! Not only did it cost us 99 cents, it also cost us the $250.00 (deductible) to repair our cars.
After paying $250.99 to watch this, I will NEVER complain about the cost of a movie again, whether it be renting from Blockbuster or going to the theater.
Oh, and I had my own mishap during the holiday too...I'll post about it another day.
Islak Burgers
5 hours ago