Today was a very long, nerve-racking day for me. I shared on my blog a couple of months ago about my greatest fear of all (animals) and how it was time for me to face this fear head on. Well, we've (actually Dirk) been looking for the "perfect" dog for several months. Yep, I such thing as a perfect dog, right? Anyhow, we ended up with a "Bug", which is half Boston Terrier and half Pug.
We found him online about 5 hours away from us. We had actually planned to go and pick him up tomorrow, but a dear friend of mine volunteered to pick him up for us since she was driving there to do her Christmas shopping. It worked out perfectly!!! Woo hoo!
Without further ado.....Meet Gucci Reeves!
I never thought I would live to tell about having a puppy in my house. I am sure that my mom never thought she would live to see it either. Dirk said at one time tonight that he can see that one day I will give a testimony about me being delivered from this. I would love nothing better! I do think that I did very well the first night with Gucci in the house. I am still far from being over my fear of this, but as I am blogging, I am sitting in the same room with our Gucci in his crate. Six months ago, I would have never been able to do this. I'm not sure why it has taken 38 years to deal with this and it's really not important, but I am actually pretty excited about all of this now. Please continue praying for me (us) that things would continue to go as God has intended.
Dirk will be getting up every hour tonight and all weekend to take him out to potty. Lucky Dad! I told Dirk that once I was totally over my fear that I'd love to be the one to take him out. lol!
I'll post again soon how things are going.
Thanks again for praying.
Yay, Daphine!! Good for you!! That is a huge step! I mean, having a puppy is one thing, but having it in the house is a whole 'nother!!!!! I mean, just potty training alone is WORK!!!!! The puppy is cute though, and I'm sure before you know it, you will be in love with him!! What a cute name too! Gucci!! It's sassy already!!!! Well, I can't wait to hear about all the puppy adventures!!!!!!!!!!! So proud of you!! Your kids must feel so blessed!!! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!!!
Gucci is so cute sweetie. I am praying for your fears to totally melt away as you learn to love Gucci.
Oh I'm so excited for you all! He is SOOOO Cute! I'm so proud of you too, and I know that God is smiling real big at you as you face your fears. He is right there with you ready to calm your fears and encourage you, just like you would be with your girls. Yay!
Gucci??? :)
I am so excited for you! You will see down the road what a blessing Gucci will be. Animals become such an important part of the family. I look forward to hearing more about this cutie in the future. I love the name!
I knew it, I knew stinker!!! Gucci (love it!) has to be one of the most adorable, lovable little puppies I have ever laid eyes on! Trust me, Daphine, you heart will be melted before long...if it isn't already! Gucci will add so much love to your'll be amazed! He will love you back, unconditionally, too!
It will be a little rocky, at first, with the "housebreaking" and all. There will be accidents, but that's just part of it. Any dog we've ever had has trained very easily. The key is consistency and when Gucci does "go" outside, be sure to praise him BIG him a treat helps a lot. We kept our dogs crated for most of the day and through the night. We'd take them outside every hour or two to do their business. We'd let them out of their crate for a little while to socialize and to play, extending the time a little more. You'll find that Gucci will not want to "go" in his crate.
I am so proud of you, Daphine, for being willing to put your fear of animals aside! You are very brave AND selfless! I just know you won't regret your decision! I can't wait to see how all of this unfolds!
Have a wonderful and fun weekend with your new addition! Give Gucci a belly rub from me! :)
Good for you Daphine! It takes courage and a big heart to face fears like this, but you've already taken an enormous step here just in one day. And to share your fears with us takes more courage than I would have.
Gucci looks adorable and your girls look ecstatic--what a great Christmas present for them. I bet you'll be surprised at how you come to enjoy having this little guy around your house. Dogs really do give unconditional love--something that can't be beat at the end of a long, hard day!
I am so proud of kids and husband are still trying to break me down for a dog too. I am a germaphobic too and pets are not my favorite thing either. You may have inspired me to step out of my comfort box too...I said may have...let me know how it goes. K? She is a precious the name too:) Cute!
Bless your heart for going along with it! The puppy is adorable and I'm sure your girls will just love having a new friend. You'll be fine. I can imagine it's a huge adjustment for you though! :))
Is that my sister? I cannot believe that you have a puppy. Mackenzie is going to have to come over and get her puppy fix. She really wants one. I told her that she can start out with a gold fish(LOL) We are going to get one when they get a little older.
We will be happy to babysit whenver you need one. I can't wait until I meet Gucci. I guess that will be at Christmas time.
I still can't believe that you have a dog.
Jennifer(Raack), remember how scared Daphine and I used to be of dogs? We wouldn't even wait on cars that had dogs inside especially trucks.
I got over my phobia many years ago!! You go Daphine!!
Oh... Bill aksed if Morgan photoshop this?
Because no only is Gucci dog inside, but you are touching him.
Gucci is stinkin' adorable!!! And I LOVE the name! Good luck, my friend....I'm not sure I'm as strong as you!
Yea Daphine,
Gucci is ADORABLE! I know you can conquer your fear of dogs with this sweet little pup! Crate training is the only way to go!! You will still have a few accidents but not nearly as many. Be sure he has plenty of toys to play with and chew on. All he wants is a lot of LOVE and attention. I know you are gonna love him as much as the rest of your family!
Oh, Daphine! Gucci is just precious! And I PTL that you are able to overcome the fear! That is so praiseworthy! If it helps at all, I read somewhere that dogs tongues have an anitbiotic property. I'm a big dog lover, and I'm glad you are going to get to enjoy the love of a dog. They are wonderful friends!
Love all the pictures!
Sheila :-) who doesn't like germs either (something we have in common), but does love dogs! :-)
that's so wonderful daphine! i knew you could do it! he is a cutie!!!!
Gucci is the cutest the next dog I get I want a pug! Too cute! I hope your weekend goes well!
Yea!! A new addition to the family and isn't Gucci just adorable?! The puppy looks like he's a perfect fit for your family and you go girl---I'm glad to see the gloves finally off. That's funny about the girls keeping track of time about the puppy. I can't wait to see how much love & happiness this little fellow adds to your family. Have a great weeked!!
Wow Daphine!!! You are being so so strong!! Well done you!! What a huge milestone you have crossed!! I am FULL OF ADMIRATION FOR YOU!!!And Aint he just the cutest!!!
That is one adorable his name! We have a 13 year old dog and got a puppy this past spring, I forgot how much work they are but just like with babies it passes quickly. You are a better woman than me to let him be in the house!
Awwww...Gucci is soooo adorable!!! I'm the biggest animal lover so I can't say I understand your fear...but way to go on facing it. :)
Call Guiness...Daphine has a dog...LIVING IN HER HOUSE!!! I never though I would live to see the day!!!!!!!
OK, I remember locking my dog up when you came over to my house just so you would come in. You actually stood on the front porch until I assured you the dog was no where it could get you!!! lol!!!!!
You crack me up wearing gloves to touch the dog! I'm glad you finally touched him without gloves and I had to laugh at the death grip you had on Morgan's shoulder while you were touching him!
Way to go Daphine!!!
Oh, and Gucci is adorable. Great dog picking her out ya'll (I mean Dirk).. :)
Oops, that should have said great job not great dog...
Congrats! I'm so very proud of you!
I'll be praying for you that you can come to the point where you will really enjoy all the wonderful things having a pet can bring to you!
Just a side note: Don't get that puppy every hour for too long, cause it will train him to do that, and then you'll be getting up every hour with him for a LONG time. Puppies are just like babies, and can form habits very easily.
Oh, and I love his name! Too cute!
Daphiiiiiine!!!!!! I am sooooooo excited for you!!! I am tripping out that you actually TOUCHED Gucci without gloves! I am so impressed!!! Just think - Gucci could even be in your next family portrait!
Way to go, you!
in celebration of Gucci and friends, i have something for you today on my blog! enjoy!
I'm so proud of you ..walking out your fear with the Lord's help, Daphine!
Something for you at my place. ((hugs)) to you!
Hi Daphine
Gucci is really cute. I am not really a dog lover. I would not want one in my house but I am not frightened of them. I am thinking of you as I know you are perhaps having an uneasy weekend. I hope you are getting on ok with him now. I am sure you will become the best of friends in time.
How's Gucci doing? Hey, glad you want to play the letter've got the letter "R"...have fun!
Way to go! I, too, was extremely afraid of dogs until I was about 15 yrs., when we got a puppy. I can remember crying because the pup was pulling on my pants legs. It freaked me out. But soon I got over my fear and the dog and I became very attached to one another.
Praise God!
Gucci could not be more adorable...he will melt your heart (and fears) before you even realize it! Monday - when everyone else is at school and work - and he looks at you with those puppy eyes....oh yeah, you're a goner!!!
Way to go Daphine!
I can imagine how difficult of a road you've traveled getting to this point but you're there! Look at you! You did it! And now you have a new family member to love. Gucci is so adorable, that face! *sigh* So cute. And your girls look so happy with him. I predict there will be lots of puppy posts to come *smiles*
Congratulations on your new puppy!
Have a wonderfully blessed week!
Daphine I'm so proud of you and so happy for you! Once you get over the initial shock you will grow to love that puppy like a baby. I'm not kidding.
Gucci is absolutely precious and you are making memories that your girls will never forget.
Oh my goodness Daphine! I am so happy for you guys. Gucci is the cutest little thing! ADORABLE! His name is so you : ).
I can't believe you are 38. You look like you are 28 : ).
Congratulations on your new addition!
What a cute puppy!
I am so proud of you Daphine! You are allowing God to work and conquer your fears. What an accomplishment you've made so far.
The puppy is too cute! I am sure you will come to love him. How could you not love something that cute!
Take care my friend!
Enjoy what's left of your weekend!
Hi, Daphine~
Thanks for commenting on my blog! You have a new subscriber, lol, you have me hooked. Your brand new puppy is adorable!
I was looking at your thanksgiving pictures, and they are all gorgeous. Great pictures.
You have two beautiful daughters!! Lucky Mama!!
Good for you! Gucci is soo cute too!
I am very excited about being done with shopping and wrapping. :)
And I know, this too shall pass.. I just wish it would pass quickly.. haha. :)
How cute! I am loving the pictures of you with the funny. How wonderful that you are walking out your fear! One day at a time.... :)
I am so proud of you! Wow, I am impressed that you are taking this challenge head on! You go girl! Woot, woot! Gucci is the cutest and such a great name too! Love it!
How cute. We want a doggy but with all the kids, yikes. If you need any questions answered I used to be a vet tech. So cute and good for you, you look calm and natural in the pics (:
Oh my, Gucci is adorable... you're pretty cute too (love the gloves)! I think you'll come around... how can you not love a face like that?!
I'm so happy for you Daphine! You are a very strong person for overcoming your fears.
My best friend had a Boston for years. I loved that dog. Even the snoring and snorting were lovable :) They are great family dogs.
Well done Daphine!! The girls look so happy.
That is a cute puppy!!
He is so cute!!! I am so proud of you Daphine. I love his name too.
I am so proud of you, my dear friend! What seems like something so trivial I know is a mountain for you. You should be really proud of yourself for this giant leap you have taken. Congratulations! Fear controls you no more! You are a mighty woman of God living in His Power! Praise God for deliverance of our fears. Love you, Daphine.
Gucci is the cutest puppy ever!!! ~Precious~
Congrats to the entire family on the new addition.
Okay, now I officially want a "Bug". :)
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