Please forgive me ahead of time if I offend anyone, but I just have to vent about this and, as my friend Alicia says, I'm just keeping it real. lol!
It really irks me to see women walk out of public restrooms without washing their stupid hands. IT'S NASTY!
I see this allllllllllllllll the time at my place of employment, not with women who I work with...but other women in the building. There's this one lady who works in another suite on my floor. We've really developed this great friendship and we're always complimenting each other's outfit and such. She's a beautiful woman and dresses like she has a million bucks. Compared to her, I dress like someone who just walked out of a Goodwill store. lol! Seriously! Back to the point. Anyhow, I was in the restroom with her not too long ago and she walked out of the stall, freshened her makeup and walked out. Just like that. I was thinking that maybe I was distracting her since we were talking. Nope! Apparently, we were on the same potty schedule during this time because we ended up in there together again later. As I freshened up my makeup, she walks out, looks in the mirror, and walks out. For a split second, I wanted to walk out behind her and ask her if she'd forgotten to do something. However, to keep the peace, I kept my mouth shut. So, what does her wardrobe have to do with this? I just perceive (and obviously I am wrong) that people who look like they care about themselves in what they wear, how they look, and how organized they appear to be might also care about WASHING THEIR HANDS AFTER, ya know?
Next....and maybe I am the weird one. Believe me....I have recognized at times (many) that it's all me. But, does the person on the other end of a phone line really not care about hearing the toilet flushing? I walk in our restroom all the time and will hear whole conversations with different women talking on the phone. It makes me uncomfortable enough that I don't want to flush the toilet in my own stall out of embarrassment for them. I seriously don't get this.
Almost's the kicker!
So yesterday, I walked into the restroom and this woman is in the stall and there's this beautiful nice coat lying on the FLOOR in the stall she's in. My first thought was "NO, I am not seeing this." Second thought, "The coat must not belong to her!" I came out of the stall and waited for a few seconds to see if she came out of the stall with the coat in her hands. She never did. So, I walk back to my suite thinking that this was even more disgusting than a person not washing their hands. I got all the way back to my suite and just couldn't let it go. I hurried back to the restroom to see if the lady was still in there. She was. She was just coming out with her beautiful brown coat on her arms. I tell ya, I was almost sick. Nice looking woman, dressed very nice....she proceeded to wash her hands (Thank the Lord), checked out her makeup and put the coat on. This beats all I've ever seen or wanted to see! Think for a second and let your imagination run wild about what could have been on that floor (and probably was). Okay, maybe not. You'll just end up weird like me.
Can you tell that I'm bothered? This really grosses me out!
Okay....I'm done!
Chilly days, good days
1 week ago
You are too funny my friend! But I understand the feeling. Sometimes people just don't think!
Hey, I'm right there with you...and I'm not even a "germ-ophobic"!! Gross.
Oh my gosh, Daphine (I almost wrote Daphne), I don't think you are weird AT ALL!! I'm a psycho when I go into a public restroom w/ my kids! Especially my little girl. She already knows NOT TO TOUCH ANYTHING!! I will get everything ready for her and then prop her up on the seat, and make sure her clothes are in any way in contact w/ the toilet!!!!!!!!!!!! I even make sure the bottom of their pants don't accidentally touch the floor!! People just do not care in public restrooms! I don't even want to know the gross stuff that is on there! But, it goes to show that you never really know the hygiene of someone just by seeing their outer appearance! My mom watched a show on Oprah a long time ago, and there was this lady on there who looked very polished, had beautiful jewelry, etc, but her house was a pig sty!!! Anyway...I'm sure you won't be shaking their hands anytime soon! LOLOLOL!! YOu're too funny!
OH...and if you think that is weird! When I used to work, I NEVER ate food from a potluck unless I knew the person who made it personally!!!!!!!!!! I would just ask nonchalantly, "Oh..who made this?? Oh....PASS!"
How nasty !! I don't want to begin imagine what these women are like at home.
Oh, my...that's so gross! I'm like Alicia. I hold up my pants legs so they won't touch the floor! I place several layers of TP on the seat before I sit (I never could "perch" above the seat and use the bathroom).
I have a system when I wash my hands, too. I use the lever to get the paper towels to come out, wash my hands, use the paper towel to turn off the faucet, dry my hands with another paper towel, and use that same paper towel to open the door. I don't want to touch anything, either! :-p
Well I don't spend as much time in public restrooms as you do (just because I'm a stay at home something) so I don't see all of this stuff but I do agree. If I ever have to go into a public restroom (and I avoid them as long as possible) I make it a point not to touch anything. I cannot even imagine putting anything on the floor or not washing my hands.
You could post the *rules* on the door, and the mirror, and the stall doors. LOL!
Ugh, disgusting..
I'm laughing too hard right now at your 'keeping it real' to say anything else. Seriously, you just cracked me up!
I'm with ya...I'm just having a giggle spell.
((hugs)) to you ... I promise I always use anti bacterial wash after!!! tee hee
I have a complete phobia about using a public restroom. Unfortunately if we are out all day I have no choice. I will never ever use a Walmart bathroom. I won't go into the detail about why. Lets just say it was a bad experience and I will never use one again. Luckily I work by myself and don't have to share a bathroom there either. I with you Daphine! People can be so nasty!
Hi Daphine,
Can I just say I could have written this word for word. I feel the EXACT same way you do. Gross people out there huh?
I seriously don't know how this doesn't cross their mind at the time.
Thanks for coming by tonight and your kindess as always.
Is this a new blog
background and photos?
It is stunning! You're daughters are really pretty young ladies.
Have a good one. ~Melissa
I am in total agreement with you my friend.
Daphine, you are cracking me up!
I've noticed how many people don't wash their hands as well! NASTY!
I have to admit though that I am very guilty of talking on the phone while going to the bathroom, but it's mostly when I'm on the phone with my other mommy friends and they know that when you get a second to go to the bathroom, you seize the moment! LOL!
Daphine I hear you on this one! I don't really understand it either.
There was an article in our paper once about a hospital that was trying to get the medical personnel to wash hands after using the rest room and in between seeing patients to reduce illness within the hospital. What they finally did that worked was have people put one of their hands on a petri dish after using the bathroom--those dishes that they use in labs to grow out cultures of germs and bacteria. The dishes grew out nasty germs in the exact shape of the hands. They took pictures of the germy hand outlines and then made the pictures into the screensaver on all the hospital computers. It worked like a charm!
I am glad you are venting. That, to me, is what blogging is all about. And don't ever feel bad for saying what is on your mind.
I totally get you on this one! My husband won't participate in food days at his work because several people don't wash their hands after the restroom. He won't even use the ice machine now.
It really does amaze me what some people do.
I wash my hands so much, they are chapped!! :))
Oh my, you made me laugh, but I so agree with everything you wrote. I HATE public restrooms and my goal whenever in one is to get in and out touching a little as possible... always washing my hands!
The coat on the floor... ick!
I am totally with you on this! AND even have a bottle of antibacterial hand gel on my desk, so that when I've used the loo, washed my hands,and come back to my desk, I then use the gel too, because of the door handles!
There are NASTY things in public loo's!
Yes that bothers me too. The other day in Love Field airport a woman was chatting away on the phone in the stall. Toilets were flushing away...didn't bother her. Just think...her hands on her phone!!
I feel you on this one. They had to put a note up in the bathroom at my working asking people not to talk on the phone while they are in the bathroom. Sad world!
This grossed me out. Hand washing is something we learn in pre-K. Geepers Creepers. I can't even imagine putting a coat on the floor.
You are a girl after my own heart...I have seen this kind of thing too and it is disgusting! People always tease me about being germ-ophobic...I think it is just common sense!
How gross, Daphine! I, too, stand in utter amazement at women who waltz in to use the restroom and waltz right out without washing their hands. DISGUSTING! Oh, it gets my goat every single time! It REALLY does me in if this happens in a restaurant and one of the servers does that...YUCK!!! I'll take my palate elsewhere, thank you very much!
I absolutely refuse to allow my purse or anything I'm wearing (other than my shoes, of course!) to touch the floor. Talk about germ infestation!!! I've seen reports that the floor is filthier than the actual toilet. I really prefer not to use public restrooms, unless it's an absolute emergency!
This post was something we all can relate to...I'm with you, girl!
Wow, that is unbelievably GROSS! I can't stand it when I see people not washing their hands after they do their business. So disgusting. What bugs me the most is that they do this in front of people! Can't they just pretend to be clean and wash their hands at least when people are around. I would be embarrased!!
I totally agree....and I try (at all cost) to avoid public restrooms. Just ask my hubby! :o)
Hope you are having a wonderful week!
ewww! i can't stand when i see people not washing their hands too! i have to hold myself back from saying something to them. you are really having bad luck at work in the potty aren't you? lol
Hi Daphine
I am so with you on this. When I go in there nothing touches the floor. If there is not a hook to hang my handbag (purse) on it has to stay on my knee rather than on the floor. I always have anti-bac gel bag too and sometimes I think I am a bit paranoid about it all. My daughter has inherited this from me and has anti-bac in her school bag. As for not washing hands there's just no excuse in my mind.
You are correct. The lady never washes her hands and it bothers me too. I can't believe a lady could be so nasty.
Okay. I am not OCD, nor am I a germ-o-phobe like you, Miss Daphine. But I will have to agree with you on all 3 accounts. I really rarely see people not wash their hands... But I will say that it has happened before that just as I was walking into a stall, someone else walked out of another stall, and left (no hand washing!), and I couldn't stand not knowing who it was. I wanted to run out and look down the hall real quickly. Gross me out.
And the coat thing is the WORST. Any time I've had to change clothes in the bathroom, I make sure that none of my clothes touch the floor, and I even stand on/in my shoes while changing, so my feet don't touch the ground.
And again, I'm NOT OCD or a germ-o-phobe.
I totally agree with you! We had this nurse come to our office and do a demonstration about germs last winter-during the flu season. Anyway, she proved to us that even the hand sanitizer doesn't work well. The best thing a person can do is wash their hands with good ol' soap & water. I've seen many women walk right on out of the bathroom without washing their hands. Then they wonder why I don't eat any of their snacks or treats that they bring in. HMMMMM!
I'm with you. I'm not a germ-ophobic, because I understand the benefits of germs...but there's a time and place for germs and the bathroom is NOT one of them. WASH YOUR HANDS people. It's seriously gross. Even if you did NOTHING in the stall (thought you had, but then didn't) hello the person before you who touched the same stall door did do something, and now their germs are all over your hand (along with a hundred other people). Oh and who in their right mind lays their COAT on a bathroom floor, especially a public one! Ewwwwwwwwww!
The phone thing in a public bathroom is simply gross to me. One imo it's RUDE (the rest of the people in the bathroom do NOT want to hear your conversation) and two the person on the other end of the phone surely does not want to hear all those toilets flushing. Call them back in 5 minutes people! Not much is that important that it can't wait until you've done your business!
I don't blame you for ranting-that's just nasty! I hate using public restrooms.
I flush with my foot, turn the water on, roll out a paper towel, wash my hands, grab the paper towel, dry my hands, then use the paper towel to turn the water off and to open the door.
I just hate touching things in there!
I'm grossed out with you (especially about the coat). As I was reading this I was thinking, "Don't shake hands with anyone." Then, after reading about the coat, I'm now thinking, "Don't touch anyone else's coat!!!"
It also grosses me out when people put their purses on the floor. I used to put my purse on the floor too until I saw a scientific show that showed all of the yuck on the floor in a public restroom. Now I hold my purse while I go...and while I WASH MY HANDS!!!
Laid it on the floor and then put it on...OH MY >>>that is gross!!!
That is all I can say right now!
-sandy toes
Funny you brought this up! I was on a tangent the other day because I simply cannot understand why people do the things they do in public restrooms and why they leave them the way they do. I always wonder how they leave their personal restroom at home!
been there, seen that and it is gross---I hate to eat out so I have taught my kids to pray because God only knows.....UGH I don't want to think about it!
Not washing your hands and your coat on the floor....WHAT IN THE HECK ARE THESE WOMEN THINKING???? Nasty....and I'm not even a germa-phobe but that is just NASTY!
I completely agree! It bothers me too! I work in the medical field and wash my hands constantly. When I leave the restroom and wash my hands I use the paper towel to turn the water off and open the door - THEN I throw the towel away. People may think I'm crazy but that is what we were taught and just think about this - the person who didn't wash her hands just touched the door handle to open it right before you!
Are we leading parallel lives??? LOL! Daphine, I know EXACTLy what you mean. I want to call the health department when I see employees do that. GROSS! I was in a certain drugstore and saw it once. I almost told the manager.
You are not alone!
That is so funny, I'm laughing rolling actually. You can get some really nasty sicknesses from people not washing their hands. My one son and I got some horrible stomach illness and the Dr. said that people don't wash their hands after they use the restroom and then they go touching things you will touch or better yet prepare your food. Then you get it, let me tell you it is not fun. I can't stand using public restrooms. My husband is neurotic that he uses a paper towel to open the door and to leave and with the sink handles. Now my sons do it too, better be safe then sorry. Your so funny!
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