Okay, don't laugh at us!
After allllllllllllllllllllll these years we finally started off the new year with getting a Costco card. lol! We have many friends and family members who have one of these cards (or one for Sam's). We always thought that you had to buy EVERYTHING in bulk and that it would only be a waste of money for us to invest into getting one.
A friend bought me a brisket from Costco not too long ago. It was excellent. It was pre-cooked so it took just 30 minutes to warm up! After having it, we were SOLD! Soooooooooooooooo, we signed up for a Costco card not too long ago.
We LOVED the store! The only thing is it's so big and you really need a lot time to look through the entire store. I felt a little overwhelmed walking around and seeing all the bargains. Sounds strange, huh? Why would someone get overwhelmed over bargains? lol! We bought some great things on our first visit. Their fruit was splendid and their vegetables lasted us almost 2 weeks without going bad!!! That's my kind of deal!!
Anyhow, now that we have shared with friends that we finally got the Costco card after all these years, some have suggested that we also get the Sam's card.
Do most people really have both Costco and Sam's? Do you?
Okay, I also shop off of friends' and family members' suggestions. If a friend would not have bought us this brisket, I would have never tried it. Better yet, we'd probably never have signed up for the Costco card.
Soooooooo, that being said, what are some of your favorite items from either store that you can share with us?
Chilly days, good days
1 week ago
We do not have a Costco here in chattanooga, but we do have a Sams. I love their fruits and vegetables.
Oh how I love Sam's. I've never been to Costco. We buy the fruit, it's like a 5lb bag of frozen fruit. Strawberries, grapes, canteloupe and I think pineapple. All of it is good. We buy our bottled water, our veggies, and a lot of our frozen food there. We go to Sam's at least once a week. LOL! Hmm thinking that I should get a Costco card. There is one not too far from us. I buy all of my laundry stuff there, too. I've bought towels, sheets, clothes, omgoodness...I'm realizing I buy a lot there. You'll love it!
Hey D,
I've never had a Costco card so I cant speak about that, however I have heard that they are very similar. We had a Sams card for a few years that we had thru my in laws company. They decided to drop it so we dont have it anymore either. We SOOOO MISS it!
First time commenting, but I would like to say I got a Sam's card and I just love that place. I am also looking into getting a Costco card as well just so I can see which one has better deals. I mostly go for baby products so shopping around for the best deals is a must.
Okay..I'm the one to ask!! LOL!!!
We have been Costco members since we've been married! I don't know what I'd do without it! Well, you've been there, so you already know what I mean! Nuff said!!
When we lived Hawaii we also became members of Sam's Club. They are pretty much the same, but Sam's has different products. So, it's nice to have a variety once in awhile! We don't have a Sam's Club close to us now, but if we did, we would definitely shop there too!!
I say it's worth getting it! Oh, and in my opinion, the cakes at Sam's are better than Costco's!
And FYI, you can do all your photo processing through Costco online!!!!
I have passed a sweet award on to you!
We only have Sam's card and LOVE IT! I would get Costco as well but we don't have one in our town.
Sorry can't help you here. I am not a member of either. We have just never been interested in it. I think it's something about paying for a membership to walk in a store to spend more money. Plain 'ole Walmart works for me. We are also big internet shoppers. You can find some great deals on the internet. :o)
BTW, we found Bryan's wedding ring in the car. It must have slipped off of his finger when he grabbed his bag off the seat. It has always been a little big and in the cold weather his fingers shrink. It can't be sized because it has designs on it. I am just so thankful that we found it.
We go to Sam's. I really, really love the convenience of it all.
It's a great place to buy certain things that you need like toilet paper for cheap.
We always get the good stuff there.
But I like Costco's pizza. Have you tried it?
Hey, girl!
We've been members of either Sam's or Costco since shortly after we got married. For awhile, we were members of both at the same time. However, we decided that was a bit silly, so we dropped the Costco membership and stayed with Sam's. We can get Brittany's contacts at Sam's for a better price. However, you can sometimes find cute clothes at Costco...I've never seen anything at Sam's that I like. Another plus to Sam's is that they sell Iceee's for $1.50 (I think) and they're huge...Costco doesn't have them.
You can, also, order photos online from Sam's, just like you can with Costco.
Personally, I don't think one is really superior over the other. For us, though, one membership is plenty. Enjoy your day, my friend!!! ♥
We don't have a Costco anywhere near where we live, but there's a Sam's about an hour away. At one time I had a Sam's card. I haven't used it since before we had Ivy since the store is a fairly long trip with a baby.
OH my goodness.. I chuckled at this b/c we were having this discussion. I use to be a member of SAMS then moved and joined Costco. I love COSTCO..I think they have better stuff!
A lot of organic things!
-sandy toe
We have both of those in MD, but not near me. We have Bj's Wholesale warehouse club near us. We like it for certain things but don't go there that much anymore. We joined 4 1/2 years ago when Ella was a baby so I could get her formula in bulk and her diapers/wipes. Now I go for party food or fish and sometimes dry goods. I don't go that often anymore. We kept the membership so we could get the discounted gas but since gas prices have dropped so much, they are the same price as regular gas stations so we don't bother driving out of the way to get it anymore. It's good to have a membership because you never know when you might need to use it!
We don't have a Sam's Club here where we moved to but there is one in Orlando...so we go to that one. We love to buy the meat in bulk there. They have really good cuts of meat and they have a butcher on hand who will cut and package meat the way you want it.
Enjoy your visits my friend. Hugs to you today!
We have a Sam's card and I can't even remember the last time I went. I always liked their fresh flowers, fruit, it's a great place to buy little quiches for Bunco..stuff like that. We don't have Costco in OKC but I've heard nice things about it.
I doubt if I would get both cards. That's just me though.
We don't have Costco here, Daphine, but we do have Sam's. I was a member years ago, but then I dropped the membership. I did, however, go with a friend this Christmas to get some things, and it was worth the savings. I don't like the fact that they don't have bags, but I do like the fact that there are real savings. But it is bulk buying for the main part.
Hope this helps. Keep reporting to us on Costco. That brisket sounds great!
Sheila :-)
I have never been in a Costco but we used to live right by a Sam's Club in Houston. We used to buy a big variety of their meats and they were always really good. I especially loved the Chicken cordon bleu (sp??). Also, if you entertain much their appetizer platters and cheesecake bites are great for that. As a matter of fact the Sams was the closest store to us so we bought milk, eggs, cheese and things like that there all the time.
I'm NO help on this one, we don't shop at either place but every now and then I like going to browse.
We live near both but we have a card for Sam's. They have the type of fish I like and my husband likes their glasses and electronics area. I also like several other things they have but I still go to Walmart and Publix for certain items.
We only have Sam's. We had Costco for a while too, but after shopping both, we just preferred Sam's. We also love to get fresh meat and freeze it. The veggies are wonderful. A huge bag of fresh, cut up broccoli is about $4. It is true, you have to be familiar with prices, because it's not always the best deal there. Cheese is much cheaper there than the regular stores too.
The bakery is awesome too. You can get 24 awesome cupcakes (made to order) for 11.88. We've done that several times.
We go to Sam's weekly. We love it!
We do not have Costco here - but we do have Sam's and I love it! Some of my favorite things?? Well, how much time do you have? :)
The books are always a great bargain and they usually have the new releases. Chocolate cake with buttercream icing (YUM!), Cereal, Lotion, Laundry detergent, and Fabric Softener are among my top fav's. They also have beautiful flowers - and I love putting together arrangements.
I don't think we have a costco close to us, but we have Sams. I think they are very similiar. But...never been in a costco either. LOL The way you described it sounds alot like Sams though.
Hi Daphine
I hope you enjoy your Costco card!! We do have Costcos in the UK but not Sams. We do not go to Costco but I know people who do and they get real bargains. Personally I really do not like food shopping at all. I try to get around the store as quickly as possible. I can go there, shop and be back just within one hour. If my husband ever goes for me he is 3+ hours sometimes!!!
I shop at Sam's and Gordon's Food Supply (GFS) mainly for our business. Sam's is huge with lots of great stuff. GFS is smaller but really nice.
I get my paper products, frozen food, canned food, bakery items etc. The rest of our supplies are delivered to us at the golf course.
Some families "go together" and buy things in bulk and split them. That's a good idea.
Daphine...I have had so many times where I read what someone wrote and I think the same thing.
I'm glad the Lord sculpts our hearts and minds with such a variety of emotions and lets us 'feel' others sometimes. He is a good God.
Sending you a great big ((hug)) too. We so need a bloggy reunion! I want to hug everyone in person!
I like to go to Costco when I'm hungry and try the samples of thier food, they have that must of the time. I like to buy meet, cereals, toilet paper and others but for fruits and vegetable, we like to go to Fiesta(grocery store).
We actually don't have either one right now! We used to have a Costco membership and we loved it. I personally wouldnt get 2 cards, seems kind of weird and almost like a waste of money. We have been talking about getting a Sam's card, but only because we don't have a Costco's here.
We have a Costco card as well as a Sam's card. I think they basically have the same things in each store but my husband thinks Sam's is a bit cheaper.
We shop at either one right before our camping trip each month. We buy bulk items for cooking breakfast, dinner, etc. I also buy some of our cleaning supplies there. Costco has a pre-made Spinach salad that I LOVE. I'll buy one and take it to work and split it with friends...the salad is big enough for 3-4 people. Yummy!
I am a Sam's girl. Now I have heard some good things about Costco. I like to buy cereal, juices in bulk. Not to mention the toiletries :)
You know what? I think you have offically became Costco's spokesperson :)
Enjoy your shopping!!
We did Sams when the kids were little and packing lunches was a never-ending chore!! Almost empty nesters now...and, my goodness, I rarely even grocery shop!! How life changes!
Sam's Club came to our area first and I belonged for a couple of years, but it was a bit far to drive and we didn't end up going enough to continue the membership. When Costco opened, it was closer to where we live. My sisters in other states had belonged to Costco and loved it. We hae been very happy with our membership. Like you, we find the meat to be terrific as well as the produce. We buy all kinds of things there. I've never wanted a a Sam's club membership too as the merchandise is similar.
My husband is an assistant store manager for Publix so we get all of our groceries there. But... we do have a Sam's card paid for by family and we like to go get books. I've picked up some beautiful Bibles and journals around Easter there. I also bought a toaster there. The only food item I buy are these little cookies at Christmas. They are little butter cookies round as a quarter with icing and sprinkles.
We have a Sam's, but it's not really convenient so I haven't been in years. My mother-in-law always gets their party trays and they're always good. I know what you mean about getting overwhelmed though....Walmart's about as big as I like to get!
Thank you so much for your comment today......I'm so glad I've met you too!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
We don't have either. I always think it would be cool to get one as all the hip mommy's I know have one, but I just haven't had a reason yet.
My sister get's GREAT deals on Birthday cakes. She goes to Costco.
I hope I can be in the cool girl club one day soon : ).
We have BJ's and Sam's, but no Costco nearby. I have shopped all three stores. However, my favorite one has to be Sam's.
I've never heard of Costco...we must not have one around here. But, we do have Sam's. I should get a Sam's card with four children, but I've never gotten around to it. I'd have to drive to far to use it!
We do not have a Costco in Rhode Island. We have Sam's and BJ's in town. I live closer to BJ's so that is where I go. I don't go all the time, but love the stores when we are having a large party.
Have a great day!
We actually prefer BJ's, but I don't know if you have those there. They have only been in GA about 5 years, but they are really wonderful.
Before that, I liked Sam's, simply because all of our Costcos are soooo crowded.
Enjoy your stock-ups!! :o)
Hi there :) I'm over from Sheila's (Ms. Magpie's) We don't have a Costco, but we do have a Sam's. I'm like you - I was totally overwhelmed the first time I went. Then each time I went back, I went with a list and tried to just go to those areas. It's huge, isn't it?! Have fun! :)
Hey Girl--Have you decided to sign up for Sam's too, or are you sticking to Costco for now?
I need to drive 70 miles to the nearest Costco, so I don't have a membership -- but many of my friends do and we do not have a Sam's either. I used to go to Costco with my mom and did have a membership for a couple of years when we lived in Oregon. I loved their books! And their meat. Have fun Daphine!
Hey, Daphine!
I only have a Sam's card at the moment, but, my friends are urging me to also get a Costco membership! Hey, I mailed you a Christmas Card to your home and it was returned to me! Please send me your home address. Melanie Martin
We have to drive at least a 1/2 hour to get to a Costco. We used to belong to Costco. We have thought about getting a card again. Now and then we see special deals for senior citizens to join so we may take advantage of one of those sometime. Hubby is the senior citizen. Well, I guess I can be considered one by now, but I don't feel like it yet. Sam's? Never been to one.
Oh I miss Sams! No Costco's close to where I'm from in the states, although I have been to one in Michigan! LOL
We got the BEST no name dish washing detergent there (literally it was one of those no name brands!) It cleaned better than anything, came in a tub and lasted for months and was CHEAP! Man I miss the good bargains!
I say since you felt so overwhelmed with the size of the store, just go and plan to hit just one section of the store, and then go a few days later and hit the next section and so on. Once you've went through each section you'll probably have a more familiarity with the store, since you took it little by little and then once you're ready...go with the list in hand and just hit each section as you need to!
I'd go in the middle of the day too when there's less people and you don't have near the crowds. You could always ask them at customer service if they recommend a day that's normally slower too! OR....pick a day where you literally have NOTHING to do and just take your time browsing through the whole store, maybe even take notes on where certain items are that you will purchase there on a regular basis so you're not always searching the whole store just for a few items!
Oh and I wouldn't think getting a membership to both stores would be necessary. I don't know if they still do, but years ago Sams used to give a temp. membership card, a day card so to speak so you could check it out once and then decide if you wanted to become a member (might be something you want to do when your Cosco membership is about to run out and you want to decide which one suits you more!!)
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